Wednesday 25 March 2009

What happens in UMNO General meetings

Just look at the antics of some UMNO delegates as reported by Malaysiakini . Read Malaysiakini's report.

An excerpt of the Malaysiakini's article [blue] is produced here:
Kelantan delegate Mohd Affendi Yusof, when taking his turn to debate, said Umno has been very lenient and patient towards Pakatan’s antics.He also touched on the Perak fiasco and blasted ousted PAS menteri besar Mohd Nizar Jamaluddin for his now legendary statement: “Mohon maaf tuanku, patek mohon derhaka.” (Your highness, forgive me for I plead to commit treason).

“In Islam, there is no forgiveness for those who commit treason against the sultan,” he said, claiming that the sultan is considered as God’s representative on earth.
Instigating the crowd, Affendi said now is not the time for Umno to be soft and patient, and said it was time the party uses force to crush its Pakatan rivals.
“We cannot be soft anymore. We must use force. And we will use it immediately after the annual general assembly ends,” he said.

Instigating the crowd, Affendi said now is not the time for Umno to be soft and patient, and said it was time the party uses force to crush its Pakatan rivals.

“We cannot be soft anymore. We must use force. And we will use it immediately after the annual general assembly ends,” he said.

If this is what UMNO is then what was said of reforms is just plain lies. Such drama. If we ever are going to move forward, we need to think about each other regardless of race, colour or creed.

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