It's been 18 months since I left this blog unattended. Now I've decided that I needed to come back to this space that I have left. I kinda of miss blogging but I'm about to start soon. So this post is to say, Hey, Sakthi is back.
"We don't receive wisdom; we must discover it for ourselves after a journey that no one can take for us or spare us." -Marcel Proust
As I was putting my daughter, Ivy to sleep, she hugged me and said, "Papa, I love you". Now that beats anything. Imagine a father's feelings. One of the most wonderful revelations in the Bible is that of God as our Father who loves us. Jesus himself was constantly in touch with his Father throughout his ministry on this earth.
The Parable of the Prodigal Son paints a wonderful picture of loving Father. There are three aspects of the character of the father that we can learn from this parable, which helps us understand the father heart of God.
i. He loved his son enough to let him leave home.
In the Jewish tradition, a father’s role meant many hours of teaching him the laws of God. He would prepare his son to be a righteous and responsible member of the Jewish community. Now that the son has reached age, he must choose. For a father to respond this way to his rebellious son shows that the father understood the heart of God.
ii. He loved his son deeply that he watched everyday for him to return home.
Every day his Father stood at the end of the road and watched for him. How great was his patience and compassion. In this story it is the knowledge of his father’s love that finally brings this son to the place of repentance.
iii. He loved his son so much that when he returned home, he did not condemn his son but forgave him.
In fact when we read this parable, we notice that he was not a waiting Father but a running father. He embraces his long lost son. He is totally forgiving. His action says it all.
See in what manner that the Father loves us that he calls us sons and daughters. It grieves Him when we sin or He sees us hurting others. He weeps for us and waits for us. To know him is to love him. And to love him is to obey him. One attribute of God that not even the best parent can hope to imitate – that is God’s ability to be with us all the time.
The Lord’s Prayer
True, whole prayer is nothing but love. – St. Augustine
Scripture Text: Matthew 6: 5-15
Are you weary of praying? Do you feel that your prayers are ineffective? Do you wonder if God is listening? Prayless people cut themselves off from God’s prevailing power. The frequent result is the familiar feeling of being overwhelmed, overrun, beaten down, pushed down.
To pray is to change. Prayer has been the avenue that God has used to transform us. Prayer is the way we consciously realize our relationship with God. Karl Barth, rightly affirmed, “The first and basic act of theological work is prayer.” Not to pray is to deny our Christian faith.
At the heart of Jesus’ own life were the moments when he withdrew from the crowds in order to be alone with his Father. He wanted us to enter into that same experience of knowing God as our Father. So the prayer he teaches us starts in that way: ‘Our Father’. Knowing God as our Father includes bringing him our personal and intimate needs and belongings. Each of us can think of God as ‘my Father’.
The Lord’s Prayer is an expression of faith, not only in what it says, but in what it assumes. The assumption is that we, human beings are not self-sufficient. It is not a sign of weakness to pray but a sign of genuine humanity. Prayer is not merely for emergencies, but is thankful praise that acknowledges our true dependence on God.
Thank God that the Lord’s Prayer does not belong to any one denomination. It is his gift to all of us and shared by all of us. To pray ‘Our Father’ helps to remind us that we belong to the people of God.
Read the Lord’s Prayer and reflect on its importance of it in your daily life. Determine to make it of greater use throughout the day.
Sayings of George W Bush
A journey
Friends we are on a journey
Time has been our judge
It seems it will never end
Neither death nor life are victors
But partners of a greater plan
Show me then your life
Must it be cradled with greatness?
What do you seek then?
A moment in life
When you found the meaning of life
Walk with me then
Hold me close to you
Will you not cradle me in your arms
When you welcomed me and forgave me
Seek not the one, who crushes you
But be the one who forgives
And shows the meaning of life
- P. Sakthivel
Decision on sultan's 'absolute power' unprecedented
Humayun Kabir | May 23, 09 3:39pm
The Court of Appeal judgment giving the sultan absolute power to dismiss the menteri besar is setting a dangerous precedent for a non-elected monarch to dismiss an elected head of state without going through the process of the state legislative assembly, said Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin’s lawyer .